One of the most rewarding ways you can make money online is to teach beginners something you know a lot about. You don't have to be some incredible expert, you just have to be good at something and have a youtube account. I use musical instruments as an example, but it could be anything from how to make a pineapple upside down cake to how to change an air filter. A lot of people make good money on youtube by utilizing some skill they have acquired and teaching it to random people who are eager to learn.
You only need a Youtube and Google Adsense account, and your first video to get started. Personally, I can play acoustic guitar and I focus on videos that I think would've helped me when I was first starting out.
Specifically, I like to post instructional videos of popular songs, but with simplified chords because something all beginners want is to be able to play some of their favorite songs.
Doesn't need to be guitar, anything that you believe could have been useful to yourself when you first started doing a particular skill or hobby.
In your youtube account navigate to your video manager and on each video there will be an option to monetize it, you can choose the pre-roll ads and the little pop-in ads. Of course comply with the copyright laws, use descriptive tags, and make sure your headline is something you would search for. Youtube will review the video and usually within a few hours approve it as long as there is no copyright problem.
If you want to promote the video find some related forums and use the video as your signature or just post it there if the forum allows. The most important thing is to post a new instructional, at the very least, once a week. You want subscribers to your channel, you want a following, so keep up with it.
For recording I just use an Ipad, but if you have deeper resources than me, use them, better quality videos have a better chance of becoming popular. Speak very clear and be positive.
A blog dedicated to working online from home with daily advice, inspiration, and reviews. Tips on blogging for cash and many other ventures.
Monday, February 10, 2014
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Make Money with Adfly
Adfly is a link shortening service that pays you for clicks and pays well. A little over 7 dollars per 1000 views for U.S. clicks. Users who click will see a full page 5 second ad then can skip it to go to their destination. This is very effective for people who have a large social media following or frequently post on popular forums, if the forum allows for it.
If you don't have a popular blog to post links on or many social media followers there are still ways to get clicks.
If you provide valuable information for anything you can get links. One way I've found to be effective is to join Amazon's Mechanical Turk program and let people know about valuable HITs. A great way to do this is the join the Reddit community HITsWorthTurkingFor which receives tons of traffic everyday with people looking for good HITs. Follow the community rules and they allow you to use Adfly to point users to HITs.
This is a good way to earn extra cash and it isn't very time consuming if you do a little research over at Mturk. Refer to this post for more info about how to better use Mturk.
Click Here to Sign Up for Adfly
If you don't have a popular blog to post links on or many social media followers there are still ways to get clicks.
If you provide valuable information for anything you can get links. One way I've found to be effective is to join Amazon's Mechanical Turk program and let people know about valuable HITs. A great way to do this is the join the Reddit community HITsWorthTurkingFor which receives tons of traffic everyday with people looking for good HITs. Follow the community rules and they allow you to use Adfly to point users to HITs.
This is a good way to earn extra cash and it isn't very time consuming if you do a little research over at Mturk. Refer to this post for more info about how to better use Mturk.
Click Here to Sign Up for Adfly
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